Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Weekly Report of Important Missionary Stuff

So this week has been different. To start off, we had exchanges on Wednesday with the Zone Leaders. That meant that I had to run the mission for a day and a half. It was really hard and I clearly didn't do the best I could have done. I learned that I need to learn my area a little better. My companion got his Visa and will be leaving the next transfer, in 2-3 weeks. I'm going to miss him. He has had to be senior companion and I have been "trying" to make all the choices, I don't really like it but it's starting to help me.

We had our chili cook-off on Friday. It was super good and we were the judges so we got to try all the different kinds. We only had one investigator come. He's 65 years old and he came to the ward Christmas party too. He is really funny and we kind of had to leave him for a little bit while we judged the chili. He was going around shaking everyone's hands and was cleaning up everything afterwards. He is a really cool dude who lives a hard life. He mostly walks around all day looking for pop cans so he can turn them in for money. His son and girlfriend live with him and they smoke and do drugs all the time, but Juan doesn't. So most of his money goes to his kids and they just spend it on drugs.

We also saw Daniel again, we finished up teaching him about the Restoration and he likes what we are saying. He says that for him to get his answer, he just has to go around and try out all the different churches. He also said that in his scriptures, it says if someone comes to your door step and talks about God, then to let them in. So we're not sure if he just let us in or if he really does want to change. As far and I think and know, I really think he wants this church to be true.

We also went to see Mike and his wife. His wife just got out of surgery a few days ago and wasn't feeling too well still. He was drunker than drunk and was pretty out of the it the whole time we were there. We shared Mosiah 18 with her. It talks about how we are there to mourn with those that mourn and to comfort those who are in need of comfort. She said if she needs help with anything, she would give us a call.

Super-Bowl Sunday....that was an interesting day. We knew no one would let us in and that no one would invite us over for dinner. One of the members brought us pizza, chips and salsa, root beer and a bag of M&M's and said we could throw our own little Super-Bowl party, which we did! We pigged out on everything mostly because it was Fast Sunday and we were hungry! Since no one would really let us in, we upped the family mission plans with the older people in our ward and the people that we knew wouldn't be watching the game. So it was Meet The Elderly Sunday for us! The member we live with, when he came home after his Super-Bowl party, he told us how bad the game was. I'm glad that I got to miss a terrible game.

Anyway, those are the highlights for this week.

Love, Elder Searle