Thursday, December 11, 2014

Christmas Party

Dear Family,

We had our ward party Christmas party on Saturday and it went pretty well. My comp Elder Jacobson played the guitar and sang and all of us missionaries sang and we did meh. I had a 16 yr old come up and ask me "singing isn't your strong point is it?" Well.....NO IT ISN'T!! But I'm trying, so tell the choir back home that I still can't sing. We had our investigator there that should be getting baptized this Saturday!!! So that will be awesome!!We also went around with our ward mission leader and he was talking about the expensive old school razors and about expensive shaving kits. He sold Elder Jacobson on it, but I'm like nope! Not spending all that money even if it will last me my whole life.

On Wednesday we went on exchanges with the Papillion Elders and they changed the rule so both of them came to our area, so we blitzed our area. It worked out well for us because we got to both go looking for new people, but it also took 2 days of work so later that week we didn't have anyone else to try because we tried them already! So I was with Elder Jenkins and we had a good time, we taught our soon to be baptized investigator the word of wisdom and keeping the Sabbath day holy and we did a pretty good job.

On Thursday, on our way to take the other elders home, we used some of our lunch hour and went to the Cheese Haus and looked at expensive cheeses and got to sample some things. It's a tiny cottage log house building, we tried some cheeses, sausages and also some frog balls and they were all pretty good.

So this week will be a little different, one of the Papillion Elders got his Visa and it going to Brazil, so Elder Jenkins will be spending the next 3 1/2 days with us until transfers on Friday. Elder Jacobson and I will most likely be staying together, but we are getting a new apartment. So we might be moving into our new one on Friday, so don't send anything this week or else I might not get it! :O

That's about it, nothing too crazy. It has been warmish here to and it is so weird for December! I even mowed a yard the other day, mostly for the leaves, but still. I thought only grandpa would mow in December, but I guess others do to! :P

Love you all!
Elder Searle