Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Kicking Down Doors

Dear Family,

Oh man oh man, this week has been different. So I'll start out with a good story. On Friday night we had our district leader, Elder Jones with us and that night we were up late talking when I could hear the storm outside. Well, my companion hasn't seen a Nebraska storm yet so we went outside to watch it. It was pretty windy and knocked our power out a few times and knocked a lot of branches off and uprooted a lot of trees. But anyway, we were just chillin' outside getting soaked when I went to go back inside and face planted into the door...the door locked behind us...GREAT!! Well, we were soaked and it was still pretty rainy and windy and we couldn't get any of the windows open, none of us had a phone or a card that we could card the door with and our upstairs neighbor wasn't there. So we did the next best comp kicked in our door!! :)  Don't worry, we fixed it...sort of...the door now closes at least. :)

Monday night we were able to chill in the the worst part of the whole mission, there is a shooting or two there almost every day! We were able to talk to some awesome people for a bit and it was fun! Then I had a surprise visit from the Erickson's who were in Bellevue 2nd with me, they came and visited me for a bit so that was awesome!

The trainer/trainee meeting on Tuesday was pretty legit. They had a break out session for each group, we had a chance to relax and did some yoga stuff and just talked about some funny stories and our peaceful spots so it was pretty fun and much needed.

We talked to a crazy guy in Milford when Elder Jones was with us. He had just had surgery on his intestines and was showing us the scars and it was all greenish and nasty looking. He was telling us how he the nurses made fun of him because he messed himself and the dude just kept talking to us so we finally just walked away.

Elder Pacheco and I also spoke in church and I mailed you guys the talk so you should get that soon. Nothing too special or anything but figured you guys could check it out. One cool thing I've learned is how time is the most precious thing we have. What are we doing with our time? Are we wasting it away playing video games, watching TV, sleeping, smoking etc. So just something cool that I have been thinking about for the past few days. 

This week we have interviews with our mission president and I can't wait, I really do love him. I guess I'm getting used to the humidity, if you can ever get used to it. My poor companion is just hating it, I told him wait until it gets bad. I feel bad for him but he will get used to it. I think that's about everything. I'm doing well!!

Love, Elder Searle